We are Serverless, and this is what happened.


DevOps & Cloud

Datum i vrijeme

petak, 18. listopad 2019., 14:30


Dvorana A



Serverless can work. Two Customers were fed up with the ticketing-SLA from the “service provider”. They followed the agile-gurus and went “Serverless”, taking a set of “legacy” systems to “The Cloud”.Going Serverless Definitely gave back control to the (IT department of) the customer, but there were some challenges. The deployment in the new situation is either via Containers or Lambdas, and the databases are all DBaaS (actually AWS-RDS, and still mostly Oracle). Because two different customers did take two different approaches, we are able to compare and learn something from both cases.The overall experience has been very Positive and has given us a few lessons about our legacy-systems, software-tools and the data, in the process.There are some interesting plans for the near future as well hence the content of this presentation may grow or adjust over time.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Razina težine: Općenito
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje)
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: DBA , Menadžer - operativni , Sistem Analitičari
Grupa aktivnosti: DevOps & Cloud

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