Branko Mihaljević HUJAK / RIT Croatia

Branko Mihaljević is educator, consultant, manager, and entrepreneur, dealing with Java since 1996 and with Java EE platform since 2000. After twelve years of teaching at UNIZG's FER, where he received dipl. ing. (MSc), DSM, mr. sc., and dr. sc. (Ph.D.), a few years at Algebra and VERN', as well as seven years as a co-owner and CTO of a development company, he is currently a senior lecturer at RIT Croatia and leading his software consulting company. He gained experience as a consultant, software architect, project manager, development lead, and researcher on various projects in financial, telecom, traffic, public health, and satellite systems sectors. He is the author of numerous scientific and professional papers, conference presentations, and popular Java-related articles. He worked on many research and professional projects, as well as delivered various university courses and professional workshops, and authored many educational materials. He is the president of Croatian Java User Association (HUJAK).


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